2011 Project

October 2011 Update:

Dear fellow producers and friends:

It has been a great year for Hereford and Hereford-influenced cattle!

Prices and demand are definitely up! Supplies are down and most of you have already sold your calves.

Unfortunately for the GLHB project, that means we will not be collecting calves this year. 60% of our producers have already marketed their calves, and we have far too few committed to be able to justify building loads for Kansas this year.

Three years ago we dreamed up the idea for this project. Prices were low, and Hereford feeders were taking a beating at the sale barn. Things have changed!

By providing an alternative market, GLHB has, I think helped open up doors and support better prices. Many producers are calling to know “what is the grid price?”. Our prices have served as an index at least locally for what producers should receive for their calves. I never thought that this little project would help as much as it has. Thanks to all who have or considered participating.

We hope to have a 2012 project, if circumstances allow.


Dave Bielema


Great Lakes Hereford Beef is an organization which seeks to provide a new market opportunity for Michigan Hereford producers. It is a system that identifies feeder calves of Hereford parentage and delivers them to the Certified Hereford Beef program.